• 13 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 20th, 2023


  • Nope, no verification system…complete opposite…you’d just need to pay an I don’t care who you are (I’d even take crypto like Monero). I think being on week 4 of wrestling with LinkedIn’s verification system (being in LI jail for the 3rd time!) has made me sick of it.

    One thing I like about the fediverse is it’s very community-driven. If I come across a spam message on Mastodon, I’ll start to report it to the community but find 10 others who are saying the same thing and within 5 minutes the dude is out. Meanwhile LinkedIn has a draconian verification system that treats its users like toddlers, while every other week I have someone asking to take over my UpWork account (and LI doesn’t ban them).

  • Totally agree, there.

    My dream is to build businesses and hire the hell out of America…when thinking about it I really don’t care if you champion my brand or not…at the end of the day I’d just want you to get the job done. And if you can’t then I’d expect you to reach out for help (I’m talking hypothetically).

    So I guess I’m expecting the same from employers. I’ll still serve you to the best of my ability. I want your business to succeed because I want you to succeed. It doesn’t matter if you sell vacuum cleaners or financial advice.

    The past 2-3 years have been rough for me, too. It’s only the past week or so that I’ve been getting additional request for work from existing and new clients. It always feels so odd to be chatting with a founder about my Python experience, then walk to the local food bank to stand in line to get food.

    FWIW, keep it up, dude. You’re doing alright. I love your vulnerability. I’ve found it’s really hard to find people to help, but I push for it anyway. And I often have to ignore “is this ethical or not?” and allow myself to take full advantage of their help.

  • Yeah, those “friends” that just vanish are the the most confusing. You spend like 3 days wracking your brain trying to figure out what you might have said to set them off.

    But I’ve found it’s better to just move on. If they dumped me because of something I said then they weren’t interested in becoming friends in the first place (but by the same token, if they were kind enough to share with me I said something that offended them, I’d change the way I interacted with them).