never in my life have those worked for me. My family used to infuriate me talking about what they saw and telling me to relax my eyes. WTF is relax your eyes!
never in my life have those worked for me. My family used to infuriate me talking about what they saw and telling me to relax my eyes. WTF is relax your eyes!
“Experts say”… Really, needed a specialist opinion on the one, did ya?
I have 4 kids. I wanted 4 kids. I love my children and am so happy that I had them. NOT EVERYONE SHOULD HAVE KIDS. They take all your resources. They come out of the box with factory settings that will drive you crazy. They are a really, really long commitment. I would say life long but sadly I’ve seen otherwise.
People will tell you that you should have kids because they think of all the joy and meaning they give to their lives. This is true. But other things can give you joy. Other things can give you meaning. If you don’t like those other things you can just stop doing them. You can’t (shouldn’t) stop being a parent.
Lastly the answer can always be maybe someday but not now. You can adopt. You can foster. Fertility treatments or other options can extend viable child bearing years beyond what I would recommend, but once you have kids they are always there. Make the decision for yourself rather than allowing others to for you and you will be happier for it.
I wish it had a glossary, but pretty cool even without
I don’t get Tracy Morgan. His jokes don’t seem that funny to me. He’s extremely repetitive. I don’t understand him. Then, one day I heard a comedian on a podcast describe him as a complete genius. He said Tracy’s trick is he tells a joke that may be funny, maybe not funny, and you’ll give him a little laugh. Then he repeats the joke ten times. It’s no longer funny. You’re just tired of hearing it. Then he repeats the joke ten more times, and somehow through the power of alchemy, it’s now run full circle and is the funniest thing you’ve ever heard every time he says it. I think this skit has that same energy.
you definitely made this as far as I’m concerned OP
Everyone gets older. Everyones body breaks down eventually. The amount of elderly who have said “I never thought something like this would happen to me”. Look around Edna! What made you think you were going to avoid what happens to everyone else!?
I feel like I might be put on a FBI list for reading this.
My guy doesn’t have a neck strap. He’s definitely not worried about playing
The book isn’t a heart pounding thriller. I’m legitimately interested in how you would make a movie out of such lore dense tome without the dryness?
How does OP define unlimited? There’s hella diamonds but their release is controlled by a cartel inflating their value. Not unlimited surely but also not equally accessible so the price can be manipulated.
One could argue we currently live in a universe with virtually unlimited resources. It’s accessibility that is the issue.
Korean Won
Breaking News you say
anyone else see Spaceballs?
We just watched Russia circumvent sanctions post Ukraine invasion. Why would anyone think China would be less capable than Russia.
Do we do that here? Honest question from a transplant.
hard to believe unless Cleveland signs him /s