He’s trying to destroy the meaning of the term just before him and his MAGA flying monkeys commit massive actual election interference.
He’s trying to destroy the meaning of the term just before him and his MAGA flying monkeys commit massive actual election interference.
“It’s not a creepy sex thing; it’s an enforcing religious indoctrination by shaming each other thing!”
MAGA’s golden cow needs to get sent to the slaughterhouse, not the pasture.
Fuck his soul. He deserves zero mercy.
The project creator doesn’t mince words:
wordfreq was built by collecting a whole lot of text in a lot of languages. That used to be a pretty reasonable thing to do, and not the kind of thing someone would be likely to object to. Now, the text-slurping tools are mostly used for training generative AI, and people are quite rightly on the defensive. If someone is collecting all the text from your books, articles, Web site, or public posts, it’s very likely because they are creating a plagiarism machine that will claim your words as its own.
So I don’t want to work on anything that could be confused with generative AI, or that could benefit generative AI.
OpenAI and Google can collect their own damn data. I hope they have to pay a very high price for it, and I hope they’re constantly cursing the mess that they made themselves.
Your point about making stuff up aside… yes, 100%. Who the Hell wouldn’t support a leola root ban, other than Neelix‽
Trump has been involved with the Russian Mafia since the '80s. There was never any need for coercion because he thinks they’re his friends.
(Maybe a bit later since I still watched Enrerprise…)
No, Enterprise firmly and definitely fits into category 2. It had a weird theme song and some people didn’t like how it shoehorned an extra ship named Enterprise into the list, but other than that it was Berman-era Trek, through and through.
Most appearances in general still belongs to Our Man Dorn.
Does the voice of the ship’s computer not count as an “appearance?”
Same reason I roll my eyes whenever somebody starts talking about Trump and “kompromat.”
It’s not that I don’t think Putin has it, it’s that I don’t think Putin needs it.
The irony is that they’ll do so while simultaneously having “MAGA” emblazoned across their foreheads.
In 2011, the Guinness Book of World Records recognized Bill Blair as the record holder in the category of “The Most Special Effect Make-Up Characters Portrayed in a Career” with 202 different characters.
Well that’s pretty neat!
That said, I’m not sure uncredited non-speaking roles are really comparable to guest-starring roles.
they are literally ATTEMPT THE STEAL activists.
Even this implies too much legitimacy. They are Attempt The Steal CONSPIRATORS.
LOL, no they won’t. They’ll just make you throw out your nail clippers and water, while routinely missing shit that’s actually dangerous.
Expected a Rickroll; was disappointed.
Having a hate boner for Mozilla is one thing. Not being willing to hold your nose and use Firefox (or at least a Gecko-based browser) anyway is another. It’s the latter whom I suspect to be acting in bad faith.
Why do you want Google to have hegemony over web standards?
Sure, the abortion issue will result in Democrats getting more actual votes. However:
This is especially true if your enemies are billionaires, petroleum energy execs, or others with exceptionally large culpability for climate change.
Those links don’t say what you think they say.