I’m a communist 😈


  • 1 Post
Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: March 23rd, 2022


  • There is actually, and here’s your story:

    “We do not support the use of cluster munitions and we are committed to ending the effects of these weapons on civilians, especially children,” a spokesperson for Foreign Affairs Minister Mélanie Joly told CBC News in an email on Friday.

    That said, the more important story is the sending of cluster munitions in the first place. And this article seems to agree, considering you have to scroll down a bit to get to the Canadian opinion. I’m not surprised the CBC is interested in the Canadian government’s response to this.

  • The dud rate refers to the percentage of unexploded rounds. In previous conflicts, cluster munitions have had a high dud rate, which meant that thousands of the unexploded bomblets remained behind and killed and maimed civilians. That’s happened recently in conflicts in Syria and Yemen, but the grisly impact can be felt decades later, as seen in parts of Southeast Asia, where people are still killed by explosives from the Vietnam War.

    It’s like the depleted uranium story from earlier. Sure, you can request these things and use them, but it’s a bad decision because you’re just going to end up maiming and disabling generations to come.

  • No. Japan embraced European racial ideology but still wanted its own empire. This was problematic for Japanese imperialists because Europeans considered them as lesser life forms, and reiterated this in the League of Nations. Thus, capitalist Japan has always had to have a contradictory view of race, wanting to be equal to Europeans (and superior to non-Europeans) while not being European.

    This racial view of the world is no longer so overt, but still exists. European leaders still consider themselves a white “garden” compared to the non-white “jungle”. Who is considered European, Western, and/or white can be changed. Following the war in Ukraine, Russia has been described as Asian more frequently. For the collaborationist regimes in South Korea, Taiwan, and Japan, they are often grouped in as the “West,” but because they are undeniably Asian (unlike Russia), they will never be completely accepted. Racists don’t ask you for your nationality before they push you off a cliff - they just look at you. Japan & South Korea need to realize that they are Asian instead of begging white supremacists to be honorary whites.

  • Even the old designs aren’t that bad all things considered. Even including all exclusion zones, nuclear probably still uses the least amount of land per TWh per year…

    Note on data:


    Based on real-world data, except for CSP which uses expected data of existing sites. Only electricity production and not direct use of biofuels. Dedicated biomass includes only woody biomass from willow, poplar, and spruce trees. Residue biomass refers to using a coal plant to burn extant biomass, requiring no feedstock land use but using more space than coal plants because biomass is less efficient. American nuclear power plants use more space than most countries because of less reactors per plant. Factors in nuclear exclusion zones (area divided by total historical power generation) even though partially inhabited. Includes fuel production as “indirect land use”, part of “total land use”. Excludes run-of-the-river hydroelectric projects. “Spacing” includes space in between wind turbines and fossil gas well pads even if empty of any infrastructure. Excludes land needed to mine materials or other upstream land use, land needed for energy transmission, and offshore area impacts and underground impacts.