I’m sorry to anyone I gave shit to about the writing or about it being the Michael Burnham Whining Hour. Y’all were right.

Expect a name change soon.

  • LainTrain@lemmy.dbzer0.com
    4 months ago

    Honestly all of Nu-Trek is just garishly awful I don’t know how anyone even tolerates this stuff. The mushroom drive is dumb, and stolen from a 2014 indie flash game, gays and all, every plot development makes no sense, we never see much of the war and the crew has nothing to do, it relies on the mirror universe like a crutch because it has no idea how to write star trek. The only good episode is the mudd groundhog day one. And Tyler? Like Tyler Durden because he’s not who you think, but way way dumber than that movie? Yuck.

    In Season 2 things get even worse as they desperately tried to course correct to pander by bringing out the enterprise and Spock etc. but the 7 red signals and AI plots of the show make no sense once more, even if some episodes are okay, like the one with Saru’s people.

    In Season 3 thanks to the fact some individual plot lines in S2 were praised, the focus is squarely back on the season-long arc, which ends in a twist that is so absurd it feels like someone is trying to kill Star Trek on purpose. And so on it goes.

    In Picard S1 we have a plot once again lifted wholesale from a video game, specifically Mass Effect 3 where space octopuses from far away want to stop organics from exterminating synthetics or the other way around, but they did not understand Mass Effect 3 and the ethical dilemma of how partial anhiloation became the solution to prevent complete speciside (just like people who choose destroy in that game don’t understand it either), so instead we get just a space octopus who wants to maybe protect synthetics, which leads to space nuns wanting to destroy said synthetics (it’s like if Voyage Home had Kirk blow up the whales huh), so we get romulan space nuns that have access to thousands of ships because they touched a ring that showed them stock footage, them wanting to claw their eyes out is the only scene I related to throughout all this shlock.

    We have “galactic treaty” and Bruce Maddox and his android pleasure planet erasing the memory of daj and saj or w/e instead of just sending them as undercover agents programmed to not reveal who they are, yet magically trust in Picard, we have romulan agents that shouldn’t exist - because their entire empire spanning hundreds of star systems was somehow blown up by a supernova - beaming to put a bag on the android lady so her stunt double could start kung-fu fighting instead of concocting some sort of scheme as romulans always do, meanwhile having world’s most obvious spy in Starfleet Intelligence, all so they could go to the Borg cube where none of this matters and Seven, Hugh and other characters who don’t matter fight or something, until Riker commandeers all of starfleet and romulan lady commandeers all of the Romulan fleet that shouldnt exist (or else why couldn’t they evacuate themselves?) and they all instantly warp away so that Patrick Stewart could become a space jesus, being reborn as an android with an enlarged prostate by special order from not-Data. Also what was with the alcoholic lady in a trailer, like she’s just doing that for lulz right? No poverty and all? They get that right? Did I mention Eleanor, who’s character is being a Romulan samurai that just likes cutting people’s heads off?

    Finally we get another relatable scene at the end where Data tells Picard he wants to die already.

    In S2 we have the stupid ICE plot where Seven and the alcoholic lady steal a car and not much else and Guinan giving exposition about poverty in her bar that’s inexplicably called Ten-Forward, despite not being on a ship on deck ten, forward section, and didn’t she not only already know Picard but also hang out with Mark Twain and high society in the 1800s? When things were even worse? She didn’t seem to have all that biting social commentary then lol.

    There’s so, so much more, but really the end point of it is that they threw away a universe connected by very much at least an attempt at canon consistency, even down to the design language of everything and how it was all functional and not weird transparent SFX screens all to show you a future you could hope for and see characters struggle for it and make the right decisions, Star Trek was good, and there was no need to destroy all of it and stomp all over.it just to make mediocre versions of the Expanse again showrunner’d by the guy who wrote the fucking Transformers movies.

    • Fades@lemmy.world
      4 months ago

      all of nu is just garishly awful

      SNW? LD?

      I haven’t watched disco but I agree with you that Picard plot wise was kind all over season to season. I also didn’t really have any interest for prodigy after giving it a try.

      So with that said, strange new worlds is far better and it feels like old trek to me and I can’t wait for the next season, same with Lower Decks but in a meta jokes kind of way, not for everyone of course.

      As you eloquently pointed out, there has been a lot of bad to mid trek, but some of the new stuff is quite good too