As investment, I bought this, instead of stocks. Any ideas on what to do with it?
- 75km (1hr) to a big international airport. Airport has direct flights to most EU capitals (2-4hr flights)
- 50km to city center
- 25km from nearest large residential area (500,000+ population)
- 5km from massive organized industrial area (government supports factories here)
- 35km from a rich residential area
- 1km away from the village (its old and mostly depopulated) and animal husbandry area
- There is public transportation, but one has to walk 1.5km after leaving the bus.
- There is no direct road access to the land. You have to walk like 200m after leaving your car.
- 1km road to here is non-asphalt and its a bit bumpy ride. When it rains, it gets bad here. It rains rarely
It is quite peaceful and quiet there. You can hear interesting bird sounds sometimes. You see no buildings, no cars and no humans anywhere near you when you’re there, which feels great imo. You notice the air quality after you leave your car. I personally absolutely would want to live here for a while
- Trying to clarify this rn, but I think I can make $120-160/yr/decare from leasing the land to a farmer. Land is 25 decares
- “Unique co-living opportunity with vegan food & yoga sessions” In other words, remote work / digital nomad village for people who want to work REALLY remotely :) I’d have to arrange electricity (solar panels and powerbanks), internet, toilet, shower, water, tents, mattresses/pillows/sheets, food, drinking water. (Though I don’t know what people will do when they’re bored here? Any ideas? Meditation would get boring after some point)
- Sadly location isn’t touristic, but it is 1hr flight away from extremely touristic areas. One of those areas, a city, was the most visited city in the world a few years ago.
- I’ve met a few volunteers and they seemed quite willing to volunteer for whatever I decide to do here (if I do anything). For those unfamiliar: WWOOF and Workaway
Also- Any suggestions on where I should ask this question on the internet?
Research what you are allowed to do with that land. In my country you are not allowed to simply buy agricultural land and start building stuff on it and that is the case in most civilized countries.
Build a large wall around the entire perimeter of the property.
Construct a tall stone tower in the middle of the property and paint it completely matt black.
Poison the land around the tower, so nothing, not even grass can grow.
Have packs of wild, feral dogs roam the property.
Dress in dark grey robes, and spend the rest of your days on the top of the tower, screaming obscenities at any passers-by, or shaking your fist angryly at the sky.
Move the stone wall out each night and slowly claim more land like an insidious virus
*Mount a fiery red spotlight at the top of the tower and move the beam randomly around the property in case of hobbits
That’s totally where I thought they were going with that.
You also need to move the stone fence out each night to expand your domain
Make sure you use organic short half life poisons. Don’t poison the surrounding areas with rainwater runoff just because you want to live in a nightmarish hellscape.
Desolate responsibly.
Ah. Someone found my field of fucks. See that I had none left to give.
Start up a workers cooperative and a collectivized farm, you could also do the digital nomad stuff and make a worker owned digital syndicate. Turn it into a leftist center where theory flows like water and discussion of revolution flows through the air like the songs of the workers >:3
Plant potatoes. Charge rich families to come out and harvest potatoes as a “total farm experience”. Sell them as a “rustic handgrown” crop.
Take the profit and buy a shit ton of meth and smoke until your heart explodes. Die with a smile as you escape late stage capitalism ✨️
This is also what I suggested (not exactly but about the same concept). Biggest problem might be, that its maybe a bit far off from the next city.
And they would totally dig that shit up and call it an experience too. Do it.
Unfortunately though I think OP being an hour from an airport is gonna preclude tourists from being a financial factor in the area.
And there was so much meth to be had…
Good marketing can sort that out. You call the experience “authentic” and hire some attractive actors to do a couple photo shoots. Maybe add a shuttle and a little café like touristy vineyards do. And if you’re really good you can figure out a way to get the tourists to make meth for you. Say they have to bring certain ingredients with them, in addition to the crazy expensive entry fee.
Plant a shtload of trees and bushes, let it go ‘wild’, put cottages in between, spaced so they don’t see each other.
A ‘back to nature’ retreat around the corner.
It can actually be a lot of work to do this. Researching species appropriate to the biome and removing invasive ones
Looks like a farm, maybe plant something?
Put potato in the ground, makes more potatos, shit’s crazy
Even better, cut potato up and put pieces in ground, makes LOTS more potatoes.
You have no idea. Non organic planted potato’s have an average yield of 40t/ha. So this field would give you about 100t of potato’s. And trust me, you can’t do this manually and even with machines this takes a shit load of time. Without any experience in farming and without equipment, which is needed (you dont need machines to plant and harvest, because they are waaay to expensive) this is still quite a big investment. Potato’s also drain the soils quite a lot so you need to have a rotation of at least a few years. But what do you do in the years where you dont plant potatos?
Can confirm, when I was a kid my parents wanted to build their dream house and bought 5 acres. Mom decided she wanted a ‘garden’, which wound up being a 40’x100’ mini-farm, and the only machine we had was a tiller, all the rest was hard-as-shit manual labor (‘Hey, good thing we had lots of kids!’ was a common refrain from my mom). Kneeling or crawling around on your knees, often with rocks in the soil, bending over, digging around or pulling weeds at arm’s reach, lots of standing up and kneeling down again, carrying a lot of heavy shit, dealing with bugs, thorns, nettles, and every other goddamned thing, etc. Extremely do not recommend, and that was only 0.03ha.
Between the years you eat potatos
according to my calculations if I started planting <n-number> potatos in my farm that would yield = the sum of times of planting (n^n-th) * (n^n-th) potatos = n^2n-th , basically infitity^infinity of potatos in no time
I grew up on a farm for a while, we had potatoes. The way we usually replanted is just cut up the potatoes into quarters and then halve them giving 8 ‘seeds’ per potato, so using that method it would increase by a factor of 8 each planting.
If you assume, that every plant only grows one potato. Depending on what kind of potato you plant a single plant can give about a dozen potato’s, so this would come down to a factor of 96 per cycle.
Sell it and remember that you first figure out what you want and then you buy the suitable land for it.
Start a cult
Attract people with the true promise of very cheap, simple, communal living, free from the pressures of capitalist society, a shared belief system, and/or a common ideology.
Offer free workshops on useful skills like food storage and survival techniques, meditation, prayer, self-sufficiency, trauma counseling and drug and alcohol rehabilitation
Restrict calories by setting meal times and durations.
Make sure there is enough work so that everyone is busy all the time
Restrict movement by having mandatory meetings, meditation sessions, or chores at particular times throughout the day so nobody has time to go to town.
Erode individual identity with common dress, common food, common hairstyles etc.
Identify and keep track of individual weaknesses (Trauma, parental issues, weight insecurity, financial insecurity, fear of failure, fear of abandonment mental illness), key motivations (Financial stability, seeking to be apart from society, seeking happiness), basic desires (financial security, relationship security, being part of a community, sex)
Make extensive use of seed phrases and formal speech rules so that people censor their own speech. EG Each must greet the other with 'Good day, good evening, good morning, etc. As innocuous as this sounds, it forces interactions to begin on a predictable footing, and guides conversation along predictable lines. Said often enough, the formal ‘Good morning’ excludes the possibility that anything bad has happened, is happening, or might happen. People cannot speak to children and vice versa without a parent present (very handy if you take in runaways that have no parents), unmarried men and women may not be alone together except when courting, new members must have a guide/buddy/chaperone/mentor/elder present with them at all times for the duration of their probation.
Maintain division by requiring individuals to report non-conformity by others, make non-reporting of non-conformity a punishable act, and make non-conformity a poorly defined and easily applied term, so that everyone is guilty, and you as the leader get to pick and choose who is punished.
Punishments are gentle tightening of above restrictions - more work, less food, less interpersonal contact, less free time, more proselytizing etc.
Reward extravagantly those who recruit others, using free time, more food, more freedom, sex with other members as a reward.
Reward extravagantly revenue-generating activities, manufacturing, labor, producing food, donating money or assets, or illicit income such as burglary and shoplifting .
Enjoy your cult.
Are you at work? This is enough lemmy for the day
You joining my cult or nah?
You forgot some important aspects:
People will have to give you all their belongings. They will have nothing if they ever want to leave. This can be done by making them pay for the workshops, with levels each more expensive then the other, making them not wanting to give up since they are already this far in and makes them give you everything they have to reach the next level. They must do so, otherwise they won’t have true devotion and they will risk punishment and have fear of being expelled. Look at Scientology, NXIVM.
They need to break ties with friends and relatives. Isolate them, so they have no one to return to if they ever want to leave. True isolation, with only you to lead them. They cannot trust anyone else, they cannot trust themselves. Only you. Again, Scientology.
Reward and punish them, but haphazardly, you don’t want to be predictable. This way they will do anything to get rewarded and are super scared to be punished. Break them down mentally, then build them up again according to your strict plan. Controlling their food and sleep helps (deprive them). They will follow you blindly and give up everything. See the documentary Stolen Youth on Hulu.
What many cults do wrong, is not having a business plan. You need income, so make them work for something you can sell. See the documentary Wild Wild Country on Netflix, they did this perfectly. You have basically free labor so you can compete in many markets.
And don’t forget you need good propaganda. You need new members, they need to think everything is super happy and they will learn new things about themselves (they will, after you break them first). Have a PR division, don’t be scared to pay someone properly to do this. Look at NXIVM, Scientology.
There’s a documentary about NXIVM called:
- The Vow
Documentaries listed above:
- Wild Wild Country
- Stolen youth (this one was heavy on me)
Other documentaries to watch:
- Love has won, the cult of mother God (this one is really fucked up)
- The way down
- Escaping utopia
- Raël
- The deep end
- Breath of fire
- The program
- Escaping twin flames
- Kumaré
- Prophet’s prey
Thanks bud, I’ll check out those films. Love Kumaré, I watched it again just a little while ago.
I follow a podcast called Let’s Talk About Sects, by a nice Australian lady called Sarah Steel who talks about different cults each week and studies them, she’s very, very good.
But first you need the idea. I’d say leftwing based religious science compatible apocalyptics is an untapped market. So basically make a bunker commune for societal collapse based on climate change and say all the current right wing politicians are demons accelerating it to bring upon hell on earth, and that oil is the devil’s blood.
Just off the top of my head that’s an idea.
There’s a significant number of Evangelicals who believe “Left Behind” is predictive of the future rather than being a super anti-semitic take on the Christian end times. Those idiots are accelerating the end times in hopes of being saved. You don’t need demons you already have these racist dummies.
That’s already an existing large cult. We were talking about hypothetically starting a new one run by op on this land.
Im saying you can break off the crzies to form a new cult. You don’t need demons you can just focus on apocalyptic christianity.
If I knew how I’d already have a cult of my own. I hear being charismatic is a prerequisite
Do nothing, watch nature claim it back.
Plant some dang trees for starters, unless it’s only going to be land used for farming.
I vote for the dang trees. I like trees.
Ain’t nobody speaking for them dang trees so lend a hand and give em a voice.
Even then, dynamic agroforestry would be nice.
At least a wind block on the edges
Orchard farming, just add more tree
Plant something ASAP on that naked land or it will all be carried away by rain and wind.
Looks like someone was farming it before, OP should contact them first since they will know about the potential and problems. Maybe make a percentage-of-profits deal rather than a lease. The timing is good for a crop, if they move quickly.
Or rewild it with native plants. Maybe some young trees on the windward edge, and seeds for a meadow
You can still plant something on it, but you have to be fast if you want to harvest it. Alternatively you could plant grass/clove on it and the figure out what to do with the land afterwards.
However, if you want to do a “split profits” deal you have to make sure, that you dont take to much for yourself, because most farmers won’t do this if leasing it is actually cheaper. Also it might be hard to get someone to lease it for a single year and at this time most stuff is already planted which makes it even harder.
Plant whatever everybody around this area is planting and ASAP. He can think about what to do next year, but not this one.
Yeah I was thinking, what’s in those big green silos? Probably a good option.
Sharecropping is so hot right now
Plant a lot of trees. Be the owner of a forest. Just be proud.
For now? Lease as much of that land as you can. Cover crop the rest. You do not want bare, tilled soil sitting there for a year+ as you figure out bigger plans.
Lease as much of that land as you can.
Careful. The Lemmy mob is watching 👀
Ha. Anyone who’s farmed knows that ag leases are such a different scenario and very negotiable, especially if you are working with someone who wants to see the land in production or help young farmers etc. I WISH there had been more willing landlords when I was farming, it took me two years to find a place at all. Lemmings can hate once they’ve negotiated their own ag lease 👀 👩🏻🌾
Mmmmm local grown food and a landlord!? 🍽️ 🍽️ 🍽️
Vineyards around here have set up wedding venues. People pay stupid amounts of money for weddings. If you can set up a few areas that are particularly photogenic you’d be good. Much of the land you could just leave to nature, which could be a huge part of the appeal. Make a few trails and like 2-3 buildings for the wedding and reception.
Disked fields would imply a unproductive field sold off to make up losses so I wouldn’t count on his soul quality unless you’re willing to do deep ground aeration and nutrient injection or simply wait longer then you’ll likely have left.