The Princess Bride!
Kermit as Westley
Miss Piggy as Buttercup
A human actor as Prince Humperdinck (idk who, open to suggestions)
Fozzie Bear as Vizzini
Gonzo as Inigo Montoya
Bobo the Bear as Fezzik
Sam the Eagle as Count Rugen
Dr. Bunsen Honeydew as the Albino
The Swedish Chef as Miracle Max
Beaker as the Impressive Clergyman
Satler and Waldorf in place of the grandson
Fight Club
The Count of Monte Cristo
The Matrix
Star Trek: The Wrath of Khan
Nightmare on Elm Street
Friday the 13th
Any Quentin Tarantino movie
Full Metal Jacket
Clue (especially if Tim Curry reprised his role as the butler)
The Usual Suspects.
Beeker is Kayser Söze.
Kermit is Dave Kujan.
Animal as Kobayashi.
The rest of the cast I don’t have much opinion about.
Also, Reservoir Dogs: Ms. Piggy as Blonde and Kermit as Orange are the only roles I have strong feelings about.
Rizzo the Rat as Mr. Pink
Gonzo as Mr White
Fozzie as Mr. Brown (just thinking of the Madonna speech in his voice)
The cop who gets tortured is the only human
12 Angry Men
Any answer but fight club is wrong
Fozzy as the narrator.
Kermit as Tyler Durden
Ms piggy as Robert Paulson
Gonzo as pretty boy
Janice as Marla
C’mon, you know I’m right
Gone With the Wind—Kermit in the Clark Gable role, Miss Piggy as Scarlet
This would be amazing!
I am genuinely surprised Disney hasn’t done Muppet Star Wars.
Episode 402 Pigs in Space: Dearth Nadir Gonzo plays Darth Vader Gonzo-style
Die hard, “kermit the cop here in the vent”.
Maus by Art Spiegelman. Gonzo plays the son and Kermit the dad of course. The others can fill in for the rest.
Aladdin and the Magic lamp. And I’m not talking Disney’s animated Aladdin storyline turned into a Muppet movie since they did a live action of it already that wasn’t bad.
I’m talking the actual original storyline.
Aladdin - Human or Kermit
The genie of the ring - Fozzie bear, or Fozzies the sultan.
The genie of the lamp - Gonzo (This one’s the most important in my opinion, "Yyooouuu haaavveee summoned the great Gonzo, genie of the laaammpp!)
Abu - Rizzo
Jasmine - could be miss piggy or human
Jafar - Sam eagle? Not really sure who’d be a good Jafar
Requiem for a Dream 😜