So our prisons are so overfilled that we’re letting some people out early, but we have space for this?
Well obviously… What’s more important? The well being of the population, or the ability of the ruling class to suppress any resistance? Gotta keep those oil barons happy!
Yes. Make space for these turds!
“They annoy me, so they should be locked up!”
Clown. People like you are why this country is barreling into authoritarianism. Even under Labour.
It’s not about my personal annoyance. It’s about breaking the law. There are laws in a democracy too, you know that right? Laws don’t make a democracy authoritarian either. These are just stupid uneducated statements.
They have just as much freedom to protest as everyone else has. Everyone is the same under the law. If they think they can break the law without punishment, they are simply wrong and stupid.
Laws don’t make a democracy authoritarian either
How do you think former democracies turn, like the Weimar Republic turned into Nazi Germany?
It started with legislation.
Also, this country already has deeply authoritarian aspects, such as GCHQs immunity to the public and their tapping of the internet backbone and storage of the data with no accountability. If that’s not authoritarian, I don’t know what is.
Also, remember that NotMyKing protestors in London (ORGANISED PROTEST) were arrested en-masse for NO reason, only to be released when the event was over. But yeah, we’re “not authoritarian”.
They have just as much freedom to protest as everyone else has
Little and declining every day? What, are you only okay with it if they’re standing with signs in a corner where they can be conveniently ignored?
If they think they can break the law without punishment, they are simply wrong and stupid.
Oh yeah, I forgot, only lobbying fossil fuel companies get that privilege. Destroy the environment and become immune from repercussions. Score!
The law is being changed to slowly ban effective protest, does that mean it’s okay to crush protest? No! To say it is just because the laws were passed in a democracy (by either stupid or malicious politicians) doesn’t make it just, or any less authoritarian.
Also consider that the FPTP election system is deeply undemocratic to begin with, where a party with about 30% of votes can gain a majority despite the majority actually voting against them.
“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable“ - John F. Kennedy
I want a peaceful revolution more than anything, but it’s clear that it’s impossible. Join the IWW today.
I don’t know what the laws are like in the UK concerning firearm ownership, but I can’t imagine they’re on the side of arming the peasantry.
You can obtain guns, but there are limits and requirements to try to make sure they’re being stored properly and only bought in reasonable numbers for legitimate purpose.
I assume if you write in “I want to provide security for protestors” on your application, they wouldn’t be too inclined to consider it a legitimate purpose.
By and large guns don’t provide security.
There are a lot more creative ways to protest violently though!
It’s not about protesting with the intent to commit violence. I think the police would be less inclined to escalate things if people were carrying long guns at the perimeter of the protest. It’s easy to commit violence against a group of people if you’re reasonably sure they’re all unarmed.
I think we kinda misunderstand what the other person is saying/what they imagine the outcome to be. There’s a crass culture difference here.
In the UK (and presumably most other European countries) the police would 100% escalate things if they see someone with a gun near a large aggregation of people. Carrying guns like that is simply illegal and the only reasonable deduction is that you carry a gun because you want to use it - i.e. you are about to commit murder.
Police violence against protesters is usually limited to water cannons and tear gas, maybe rubber bullets. Protester violence is rare, sometimes throwing rocks, maybe Molotov cocktails and burning cars.
Police violence against protesters is usually limited to water cannons and tear gas, maybe rubber bullets. Protester violence is rare, sometimes throwing rocks, maybe Molotov cocktails and burning cars.
It’s the same in the US. The question is “How do you organize your protest such that the police won’t attempt to disperse/subdue you and give you a 5 year prison sentence?” The power the police (and the state in general) has is derived from their ability to commit violence without reprisal. That’s how it works in every country on Earth. The only meaningful way to deter them is to be organized in a way that says “We have protection. Fuck around and find out.”
I would assume the police would have the tools to fend off people using “mechanical weapons,” like bows, maces, spears, etc. They also have gas masks and the like to deal with chemical agents, like pepper spray. I’m not an advocate for using fire or explosives as a weapon, as they tend to cause too much collateral damage. So what else is there to be done than having a number of people carry around firearms, possibly loaded with less-than-lethal rounds (if they’re even legal), and hope that they won’t have to use them?
The reality of the situation, as far as I’m aware, is that the state has grown tired of people protesting. They’re sending out their goons to subdue people with violence (or the threat of violence) and ruin their lives with indefensibly-long prison sentences. Marching around completely defenseless while under this type of rule is pure folly.
They would not be amused.
So you’ve tried basically nothing and are ready to reach for a gun?
I’m doing a lot, I’m a trained union representative in the IWW and I’ve been active for a few years there. Lots of grass roots organising and direct action. But this isn’t about me, it’s about systemic issues and those in power aren’t going to be willing to give up that power without a fight. We have to be ready for that fight or we will lose and have to deal with the consequences. Do you think violence was justified against fascism in the 20th century? If so, why not in the 21st?
Please stop using that phrase. It’s now used by everyone and their grandmother to promote their little evil extremist shtick.
We want gays and LGBT imprisoned or executed! If you don’t make my peaceful revolution possible you make a violent revolution inevitable!
Edit: the paragraph above is an paraphrased example of how right wing extremists talk. I’ve hung around in conservative areas on reddit, and people quite literally talk like that.
Let’s say we stop using that phrase. Everyone and their grandmother with evil extremist shticks keep using it.
… how is that better?
You do know that Stonewall was a riot right? LGBT rights were not achieved by hanging some rainbow flags from a truck and drinking champagne in a topless outfit
It’s in the nature of the far-right to co-opt the language and aesthetics of others, especially the left. That’s why the nazi party called themselves national socialists.
But ultimately, they’re right - if we remain placid in the face of the erasure of the rights of minorities, they will have their way. The media and electoral politics have been fully captured by the ruling elite, who would rather have an authoritarian theocratic dictatorship than an equitable world. Our only option is a revolution at this point - as peaceful as we can make it, by withholding the working class’s labour from the elite while supporting one-another - but it is almost entirely impossible that they would allow our revolution to remain peaceful. Therefore, those of us who can must be ready and willing to fight on the behalf of those who can not.
I am going to continue to use the phrase because it contains a powerful truth, my hope is that people who see it and hear it will move even slightly more towards accepting the reality of the situation that we’re all in, and start working on building solidarity, mutual aid, and getting involved in activism outside the realm of electoral politics.
i don’t understand your second paragraph at all. sounds like you don’t know what peaceful means.
My second paragraph was an example of how tight wing extremists use that very same phease.
Its always "you have to adopt MY extremist and violent policies which I think are really peaceful, or I’ll threaten with a violent revolution
but what do I give a shit if that’s not how I say it… like ok, so right wing cunts lie. not news… I’m telling the truth.
deleted by creator
The article seems poorly worded as it did happen:
Even then it looks like the police stopped the traffic. The protestors were just up in the sign poles holding their own signs for people to read. It’s not safe but to blame them for the actions of the police? That’s crazy town.
I’ve seen people caught in paedophile hunter sting operations get less prison time than Just Stop Oil did.
the people who give the sentences can only sympathize with one of these groups.
“Just fight for the government you want” says the liberals ignoring that every time anyone even tries to think about changing things this happens.
Nothing can change while those ruling think keeping order and decorum is better than having to listen and change.
Oh fun, cause a serious ecological disaster and give the ultra rich an excuse to take even more money from the government for repairs plus they get to ratchet up security using our money, probably let them silence meaningful arguments by labeling people terrorists too.
How to Blow Up a Pipeline (film):
[…] to prevent local pollution by shutting off the pipeline flow […]
You can hit, rape, and kill other peasants but god forbid you dare touch the profits of our owners.
Nylon rope ✅ Polyester harness ✅ Plastic hardhat ✅
Oil stopped ❌
Anyone participating who are pro vaccination are also pro oil as there are chemicals made from the petroleum industry used as agents in vaccines.
You don’t want to stop oil. You want to be more critical of how we use it. Oil is great. Plastic wrapping on everything and unnecessary travel for bullshit work assignments are bad.
You can be critical to the society you live in, while still living in it. Doing otherwise would require suicide or get you jailee by said society.
You can’t be against the resources that you are positive to use. You should take the straws from the last guy and build yourself another strawman somewhere else.
If you want modern medicine, you want oil. Doesn’t mean you want private jets and cruise ships too.
But you know best since you know everything.
“The sentences handed to the five Just Stop Oil campaigners are utterly disproportionate,” environmentalist and author George Monbiot wrote on social media. “Four and five years in prison for peaceful protest? This is what you might expect in Russia or Egypt, not in a supposed democracy.”
due to a four-day direct action protest on the M25 that Just Stop Oil ultimately held in November 2022.
They aren’t being penalized for the content of their speech. If they wanted to run around with signs that argued their point, nobody would have blinked an eye. They’re being penalized for dicking up British transport.
You can say what you want; that’s your political speech. You cannot try and disrupt the country if it isn’t doing what you want.
Russia’s going to go after you for criticizing the war. They have a problem with the political message. What you’re getting in trouble for here is for the disruption, not the message’s content.
A protest without making waves is just farting in the wind. Even if they do stand in the road, that’s not deserving of multiple years in prison.
Okay, ignore the protest part for a moment and look at the crime…
A group conspire to intentionally disrupt a major highway, breaking multiple violations including endangerment of motorists, major disruption of public and emergency services, and recruitment of 45 others to aid the intent, causing~ $3M in damages. And, yes, people of the publiic obviously sustained injuries but there is fortunately no known causation of death. This for 4 days resulting in over 700,000 people impacted and an estimated loss of 50,000 hours to the public.
Now that could be for whatever reason. The Tories, MAGA supporters, West Ham losing, or YouTubers; doesn’t matter. The law shows no bias or care and these actions, especially the conspiring and collusion, are certainly multi-year crimes.
Meanwhile, the cost of climate change and global warming far exceed every measure you’ve quoted, and yet nobody is being imprisoned for causing or accelerating them.
If they are going to break the law anyway, go violate an oil executive as hard as that executive is violating the planet.
Obviously. But this court case wan’t about climate change.
Hopefully we’ll see more of those appearing as their comprehension of law is whittled away. When one loses, that will open pathways to the rest. The issue is that associated laws are vague and never envisioned such topics, so it is harder to have them stick than it is for a good legal team to wipe them off.
I look forward to those causing climate disruption facing a judge.
The law shows no bias or care
Completely false, the legal system is entirely biased towards the interests of the ruling classes and big business.
and these actions, especially the conspiring and collusion, are certainly multi-year crimes.
Yeah, nah.
Okay, ignore the protest part for a moment and look at the crime…
No. The “crime” is the means necessary to make the protest heard.
A group conspire to intentionally disrupt a major highway, breaking multiple violations including endangerment of motorists, major disruption of public and emergency services, and recruitment of 45 others to aid the intent, causing~ $3M in damages. And, yes, people of the publiic obviously sustained injuries but there is fortunately no known causation of death. This for 4 days resulting in over 700,000 people impacted and an estimated loss of 50,000 hours to the public
Which is less than nothing compared to the climate change and direct death caused by the fossil fuel industries out of pure greed every fucking day!
Get out of here with your Texas Sharpshooter fallacy bullshit!
Now that could be for whatever reason. The Tories, MAGA supporters, West Ham losing, or YouTubers; doesn’t matter.
Of COURSE it matters! You can’t just wave away their mission to basically save the world to make only the means matter!
By your metric, not only was Gandhi and Martin Luther King wrong, but so were fucking WWII resistance fighters!
Whether or not you’re white, YOU’RE the moderate MLK is talking about here:
Which is less than nothing compared to the climate change and direct death caused by the fossil fuel industries out of pure greed every fucking day!
That’s not the job of a court to handle in a specific case. We do not want a justice system that bends to leniency or malice based on opinions external to the case. Do you understand why society adheres to the concept, “justice is blind”?
Since you’re dropping claims of fallacy out of context, I will help by putting it into context…
The court does not (and should not) care for what cause the sharpshooter in Texas murdered for, they are there to address the committing of murder and sentence justly so.
Unlike those principally involved in law, you have taken a side of personal opinion, making for a nightmare scenario of a judge. Though you obviously wouldn’t last long in the judicial system applying personal bias based on what you think is right over the law.
You’re against democracy then? You’re advertising anarchy.
Democracy isn’t god given, it’s a societal contract. We decided to give certain powers to certain institutions, and these institutions should serve our interests as citizens.
However what I see currently is that these institutions are working for the interests of the super rich. If you’re a nazi, you’ll get a „you you you“ for supporting an ideology that attempts to overthrow democracy. If you’re protesting against climate change or genocide, you’ll get beaten up by the police, and apparently sentenced to long jail terms to set an example.
It isn’t anarchy to try and force politicians to change. Protest is supposed to be disruptive as others already mentioned.
Can you share a source where a Nazi has done the exact same thing as posted above? If you can’t, why are you even comparing?
It’s not about ideology. It’s about a law. If a Nazi were to block the highway, they’d get the same treatment.
You’re delusional. Not everything is a conspiracy mate.
It surely helps calling someone who isn’t of your opinion delusional.
I see you’re from Germany as well. How about the farmer’s protests? How about farmers threatening our vice chancellor and dumping waste on a high way and injuring people with this? How was the reaction, do you remember? Yes that’s right, our government gave in to their demands.
How about literal Nazis murdering people (NSU) and our institutions covering it up. I could go on and on, but the point is, it’s a very bad look on you to defend Nazis lol. I see from your post history that you’re also defending Israel’s genocide, makes sense for trolls like you.
It surely helps calling someone who isn’t of your opinion a troll.